ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue The Decision physical context is definetely the most stories that art may convey. If you read far important one, in order to snatch the spirit enough into McLuhan, he expresses the of a work of Art. However, as the move of notion that to understand what the affect of Art from traditional gallery spaces, to street any media will be, you simply study how the and especially to the online realm — as media is used. So if you are swiping left and Instagram — increases: how would in your scrolling through your mobile to see art, then opinion change the relationship with a art is being mediated by the pixel and the globalised audience? And how do you social sharing, we pass it along- which might considerthe nature of your relationship with be more important then seeing it. Whereas your audience? in the art gallery, though often felt as cold Gregory A McCullough:The online and sterile, what happens when the artwork audience clearly will change the kinds of is hung on the wall or stuck on a pedestal, is