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Illustrations 1. Gustave Courbet, Les Demoiselles des bords de la Seine (été), 1856 oil on canvas, Musee du Petit Palais, Paris. Photo: Ville de Paris, Musee du Petit Palais. © 1991, ARS N.Y./SPADEM. 3 2. Edouard Manet, Olympia, 1863, oil on canvas, Musee d'Orsay, Paris. Photo: © Reunion des Musees Nationaux, Paris. 4 3. Anatole Very, L?Amour et Vargent, from Album Goupil: Salon de 1878. Photo: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 4 4. Tricoche, "Paris regenere," Le Monde Comique, 1875 — 76, and La Vie Amusante, 1878 — 79. Photo: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 7 5. "Actualites," Le Monde Comique, 1878-79. Photo: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. 14 6. Paul Cezanne, Une Moderne Olympia, ca. 1869 — 70, oil on canvas, private collection, Paris. Photo: Harlingue-Viollet, Paris. 17 7. Paul Cezanne, Une Moderne Olympia, ca. 1872 — 73, oil on canvas, Musee d'Orsay, Paris. Photo: © Reunion des Musees Nationaux, Paris. 18 8. Paul Cezanne, Olympia, ca. 1877, watercolor, Louis E. Stern Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Photo: Philadelphia Museum of Art. 22 9. Paul Cezanne, UEternelfeminin, 1875 — 77 or ca. 1877, oil on canvas, J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, Calif. Photo: Bulloz, Paris. 24 10. Paul Cezanne, La Toilette de la courtisane, ca. 1880, pencil and watercolor on white paper, ca. 1880, Barrett Hamilton Foundation, Little Rock, Ark. Photo: Barrett Hamilton Foundation. 25 11. Edgar Degas, Notebook 28, 1877, drawing known as "La Fille Elisa," pp. 26—27, private collection, New York (formerly collection of Ludovic Halevy, Garnet i). Photo: Author, from Album de dessins de Degas, ed. D. Halevy, Paris, 1949. 30 12. Edgar Degas, Notebook 28, 1877, drawing known as "La Fille Elisa," p. 31, private collection, New York (formerly collection of Ludovic Halevy, Garnet i). Photo: Author, from Album de dessins de Degas, ed. D. Halevy, Paris, 1949. 30 13. Jean-Louis Forain, Maison close, n.d., etching. Photo: Author, from Marcel Guerin, J. L. Forain, Aquafortiste, vol. i, Paris, 1912, p. 21. © 1991, ARS N.Y./ADAGP. 31 14. Edgar Degas, Le Repos, ca. 1879-80 or 1876-77, monotype, Musee Picasso, Paris. Photo: © Reunion des Musees Nationaux, Paris. 32 15. Edgar Degas, Le Client serieux, ca. 1879 — 80 or 1876 — 77, monotype. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Photo: National Gallery of Canada. 34 ix

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