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xiv UPDATED PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDIT LINES FOR 2003 EDITION Illustrations Fig. i. Musee du Petit Palais, Paris. Photo: Ville de Paris, Musee du Petit Palais. Fig. 2. Musee d'Orsay. © Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, New York. Photo: J. G. Berizzi. Fi s g- 3~5> !6, 21, 31-35, 38, 42, 46-49, 52-56, 58-59, 68-70, 72-73, 80, 84-90. Photo: Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris. Figs. 7, 45, 64, 66, 82. Musee d'Orsay. © Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, New York. Figs. 7, 82, photo: Herve Lewandowski. Figs. 64, 66, photo: Arnaudet. Fig. 9. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Fig. 13. Photo: Author, from Marcel Guerin, J. L. Forain, Aquafortiste, vol. i, Paris, 1912, p. 21. Image © 2003, ARS N.Y.ADAGP, Paris. Figs. 14, 18—19, 22—23, 25, 65. Musee Picasso, Paris. © Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource, New York. Fig. 17. © 1986 Christie's Images Limited. Fig. 20. Private collection, London. Image © 2003, ARS N.Y.ADAGP, Paris. Fig. 24. © 2003, Estate of Pablo Picasso/ARS N.Y. Photo: Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris. Fig. 27. Private collection, Switzerland. Fig. 29. Photo © 2003 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Fig. 37. Hamburger Kunsthalle/bpk Berlin. Photo: Elke Walford. Fig. 41. Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen. Fig. 50. © MICHELIN Map of Paris, 9th arrondissement, from Paris Atlas No. 15, Permission No. 03-1:8-004. Fig. 57. Edouard Manet, Plum Brandy. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon. Image © 2003 Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.c. Photo: National Gallery of Art. Fig. 61. Collection Kroller-Muller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands. Figs. 63, 71. Photo: © 2003 Sotheby's, Inc. Fig. 63, Image © 2003, ARS N.Y.ADAGP. Fig. 77. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon. Fig. 78. Photo: Mel McLean. Fig. 83. Walters Art Museum, Baltimore. ARS Fig. 85. Cliche Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris, Image © 2003, N.Y./ADAGP. Fig. 93. Courtauld Institute Gallery, London.

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