156 5. T. J. Clark, The Painting of Modern Life: Paris (and quibbles with) each are acknowledged in Notes in the Art of Manet and His Followers, New York, what follows. to Pages 1984, chaps, i and 2. 12. Alain Corbin, Les Filles de noce. 2— 10 6. On Olympia, see Clark, Modern Life, chap. 2. 13. Janet Wolff, "The Invisible Flaneuse: On the Courbet, see Patricia Mainardi, "Gustave Women and the Literature of Modernity," Theory, Courbet's Second Scandal: 'Les Demoiselles de Culture and Society 2, no. 3 (1985): 37—46; and Village,'" Arts (Jan. 1979): 95—103; and the dis- Pollock, Vision and Difference, pp. 50—90. cussion of J. P. Proudhon's allegorical interpreta- 14. Georg Simmel, "The Metropolis and Men- tion of Courbet's 1856 picture (published in 1865) tal Life" [1903], in Georg Simmel: On Individ- in Linda Nochlin, "Courbet's Real Allegory: Re- uality and Social Forms, Donald N. Levine (ed.), reading 'The Painter's Studio,'" pt. 2, "Ending Chicago, 1971, pp. 324-39. with the Beginning: The Centrality of Gender," 15. Georg Simmel, "Prostitution" [1907], in Courbet Reconsidered, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Levine, Georg Simmel, pp. 121, 122. Compare 1988, pp. 34-36. Marx's position on prostitution: "Prostitution is 7. The classic study of Picasso's picture as a only a particular expression of the universal pros- brothel is Leo Steinberg's "The Philosophical titution of the worker" (Karl Marx, "Economic Brothel," which first appeared in Art News 71, nos. and Philosophical Manuscripts," in Early Writ- 5 and 6 (Sept. and Oct. 1972). A revised version ings, Lucio Colletti [ed.], London, 1975, p. 350 has appeared in October 44 (Spring 1988): 3 — 74. n. 4). On Simmel's ideas about prostitution and Also see Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Paris, Musee objectification, see Guy Oakes, "The Problem of Picasso, 1987, 2 vols.; and Michael Leja, "'Le Women in Simmel's Theory of Culture," in Georg Vieux Marcheur' and 'Les Deux Risques': Picasso, Simmel: On Women, Sexuality, and Love, Guy Prostitution, Venereal Disease and Maternity, Oakes (ed. and trans.), New Haven, 1984, pp. 3-62. 1899-1907," Art History 8, no. i (Mar. 1985): 16. Walter Benjamin, "Paris: The Capital of the 66-87. Emile Bernard's name should be added Nineteenth Century" [1955], in Charles Baude- to that of Toulouse-Lautrec as a major contribu- laire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism, tor to the fin-de-siecle imagery of prostitution. Harry Zohn (trans.), London, 1973, p. 171. See Phillip Dennis Gate and Bogomila Welsh- 17. Charles Baudelaire, "The Painter of Mod- Ovcharov, Emile Bernard: Bordellos and Prostitutes ern Life — Modernity" [1863], translated excerpt in Turn-of-the-Century French Art, New Bruns- reprinted in Modern Art and Modernism: A Critical wick, N.J., 1988. Anthology, Francis Frascina and Charles Harrison 8. Evans, "Prostitution, State, and Society," (eds.), New York, 1982, p. 23. pp. 106—08; Tilly and Scott, "Women's Work," 18. Quoted in Benjamin, "Some Motifs in PP- 145-7& Baudelaire," in Baudelaire, p. 151. 9. Griselda Pollock, "Modernity and the Spaces 19. Teresa de Lauretis, "Desire in Narrative," in of Femininity," in Vision and Difference: Femi- her Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema, ninity, Femininism and Histories of Art, London, Bloomington, Ind., 1984, pp. 149 — 50. 1988, p. 54. 20. Daniel J. Boorstin, "The Historian: 'A 10. In suggesting the earlier dates, I am follow- Wrestler With the Angel,'" New York Times Book ing the most up-to-date Degas scholarship: Jean Review, Sept. 20, 1987, p. 28. Sutherland Boggs, Douglas W. Druick, Henri 21. "Cette degoutante vie sexuelle est, apres Loyrette, Michael Pantazzi, and Gary Tinterow, tout, la raison meme du groupement des femmes Degas, New York and Ottawa, Metropolitan Mu- et de leur claustration" (Louis Fiaux, Les Maisons seum of Art and National Gallery of Canada, de tolerance, leurfermeture, Paris, 1892, p. 134). 1988, p. 296. Throughout this book translations from French 11. On the matter of Impressionist images into English are mine, unless otherwise noted. and ideologies of modernity, the most important 22. Corbin, Les Filles de noce; and Harsin, (though divergent) work to date has been done by Policing Prostitution. T. J. Clark, Modern Life, and Robert L. Herbert, 23. "L'inscription sur les registres de la pros- Impressionism: Art, Leisure and Parisian Society, titution reglementee 1'a fait disparaitre, pour tou- New Haven, 1988. The particulars of my debts to jours, des statistiques concernant les insoumises"

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