the latest fashions, generally presented in luxurious interiors, were common at Figure 5 Auguste Toulmouche the Salon; they also formed the stock-in-trade of a number of dealers, notably (French, 1829-1890). the highly successful Adolphe Goupil. Waiting, 1865. Oil on canvas, size and present Renoir's own practice in these years shows an acute awareness of the whereabouts unknown. Reproduced from a status of different types of subject matter and of the ways in which artists were photograph published challenging traditional hierarchies. The examples of Gustave Courbet and Manet by Goupil and Co., circa 1867. London, Witt Library, were clearly relevant to him, especially in the paintings he submitted to the Salon Courtauld Institute of Art. between 1867 and 1870. However, his oeuvre in these years, when taken as a whole, was very diverse; it cannot be seen merely as an offshoot of theirs. To place La Promenade in its wider context, we need to explore the range of references and comparisons that his art invited and the range of issues with which it engaged. 9

Pierre-Auguste Renoir: La Promenade - Page 17 Pierre-Auguste Renoir: La Promenade Page 16 Page 18