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18 PIER FRANCESCO MOLA Italian, 1612­1666 The Vision of Saint Bruno, circa 1660 Oil on canvas 194 x 137 cm (76 x 53 in.) 89.PA.4 Saint Bruno was the founder of the Carthusian order, a monastic community established on the principle that union with God was furthered by continual, solitary meditation. Thus, Carthusians live most of their lives isolated from their brothers, coming together as a community only once a week. Mola's work illustrates the basic principle of Carthusian life by showing their founder alone, turning from his devotions to witness a vision of heaven breaking through the clouds. He reaches out longingly, not frightened, but lost in a sweet, mystical ecstasy. Like many Roman artists of his time, Mola found inspiration in the landscapes created by Venetian painters in the preceding century. One aspect of this is revealed in the rich panorama of browns and ochers, set off by an ultramarine sky and clouds shot through with warm sunlight. Also reflecting Venetian usage, the landscape forms beautifully mimic the figure in a complex counterpoint that echoes his rapture. DC ITALIAN SCHOOL 37

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