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33 CARLO MARATTI Italian, 1625­1713 Faith and Justice Seated on Clouds Pen and brown ink and brown wash over red chalk, heightened with white bodycolor, on brown paper, cut irregularly 48.4 x 28.7 cm (19 1/16 x 11 5/16 in.) Cat. I, no.23; 85.GG.4l This is a study, in reverse but to the same scale, for the title frame of a map of Rome published in 1676 by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi. The map itself was carried out to the design of the seventeenth­century topographical artist Giovanni Battista Falda, while the ornamental title, to which this drawing corresponds, was Maratti's invention. Of the pair of figures, Faith (one of the three "theological virtues") is the more dominant. Crowned with the papal tiara and with her head surrounded by a radiance, she holds the papal keys in her right hand while placing her left on a model of the church. Justice (one of the four "cardinal virtues"), who regulates the actions of the citizen, sits partly behind her, holding in her right hand a pair of scales, the symbol of her impartiality, and supporting in her lap with her left hand the fasces (a scourge and an ax), the symbol of her authority. Seen together, the two virtues may be taken to signify the good governance of the city by Pope Clement X. Maratti, the leading exponent of High Baroque Classicism, was the most successful Roman painter of the second half of the seventeenth century. 44 ITALIAN SCHOOL

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