$A Saint Rocco ca. 1730-3$ Oil on canvas 3 44 x 33.$ cm (i7 /s x 13/8 in.) The Samuel Courtauld Trust at the Courtauld Institute Gallery, Courtauld Institute of Art, London; inv. 171 PROVENANCE Courtauld Institute of Art, University BIBLIOGRAPHY Sold, Christie's, London, 1905, to Julius of London, 1978. Sack 1910, 99, 191; Morassi 1950, 209; Bohler, Munich; sold to Baron von Seilern 1959, 160, pi. CXXXIV; Stumm, Rauisch-Holzhausen, Hessen, EXHIBITIONS Morassi 1962, 20, fig. 163; Piovene and Germany, 1906; Count Zoubow, London 1960, no. 445. Pallucchini 1968, 96-97, fig. 77!!; Paris; sold to Count Antoine Seilern Seilern i97ia, 57; Braham 1981, 73-74, (1901-1978), London, 1952; by bequest fig. 108; Bradford and Braham 1989, to the Home House Trustees for the 25; Gemin and Pedrocco 1993, 306, 308-9, fig. 193; Pedrocco 2002, 230-31, fig. 103.9. 5B Saint Rocco ca. 1730-35 Oil on canvas 9 5 43 x 32 cm (i6 /i6 x i2 /s in.) San Marino, California, The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens PROVENANCE EXHIBITIONS Probably James Smith Inglis (1852— None. 1907), New York; upon his death probably held in trust by Cottier and BIBLIOGRAPHY Co., New York; sold, Cottier and Co. Morassi 1950, 202-3, 206, fig. 9; sale, American Art Gallery, New York, Morassi 1962, 47, fig. 157; Piovene and March n, 1909, lot 78, to Henry E. Pallucchini 1968, 96-97, fig. 77n; Huntington, San Marino, California. Gemin and Pedrocco 1993, 306, 310, fig. 200; Pedrocco 2002, 230-31, fig. 103.16. sAINT ROCCO (CA. 1295-1327; ALSO CALLED with bread from a nearby bakery and healed his Saint Roch) relinquished his family fortune, wounds by licking them. After recovering he traveled from Montpellier, France, to Italy in returned to France, where he was — according the disguise of a pilgrim, and dedicated himself to some versions of his life—mistaken as a spy to curing the plague-stricken. Contracting the and thrown into prison unrecognized, and died. disease himself near Piacenza, Rocco withdrew Pilgrims and those suffering from the plague to the outlying forest, where a dog provided him commonly invoked Rocco, and many altars, 39

Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches - Page 40 Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches Page 39 Page 41