CONTENTS Foreword 6 WILLIAM M. GRISWOLD Acknowledgments 7 Introduction 8 Catalogue I Allegory of the Power of Eloquence 22 2 The Madonna of the Rosary 27 3 Saint Luigi Gonzaga in Glory 30 4 Apollo and Phaethon 33 5A Saint Rocco 39 5B Saint Rocco 39 6 The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha 44 7 The Trinity Appearing to Saint Clement 49 8 The Translation of the Holy House of Loreto 53 Tiepolo and the Oil Sketches for 58 the Church of San Pascual Baylon, Aranjuez 9 Saint Pascal Baylon's Vision of the Eucharist 64 10 The Immaculate Conception 68 11 Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata 72 12 Saint Charles Borromeo Meditating on the Crucifix 76 I3A Saint Joseph with the Christ Child 80 I3B Two Heads of Angels 80 (Fragment of Saint Joseph with the Christ Child) Exhibitions and Literature Cited 87 Index 93

Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches - Page 6 Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches Page 5 Page 7