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Apollo and Phaethon (1733-36; Saint James ofCompostella altar- Tintoretto, Jacopo, 9, 1 8 Vienna), 37, 37, 38n.8 piece, 66 Titian, 1 8 Apotheosis of Saint Teresa ofAvila, Saint Joseph with the Christ Child Tonioli, Ferdinando, 2On.29 The, 55 (1767), 18, 80, 81, 83-86 Toninotto, Giuseppe, 17 Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, Saint Joseph with the Christ Child Trinity, depiction of, 49, 51, 52, 57 48n.2 (1767-69; Detroit), 83, 83 Capricci series, 43 Saint Joseph with the Christ Child Flight into Egypt series, 43, 85 (1767-69; Madrid), 83, 84 Udine, 22, 27 Head of a Man Looking Up, 48, 48 Saint Joseph with the Christ Child Palazzo Patricale, 32 Immaculate Conception, The (1732- (copy after; ca. 1770-1805), 34) ,7i, 71 85, 85, 86 Immaculate Conception, The (1767), Saint Joseph with the Christ Child Vasari, Giorgio, 9 back cover, 63, 68, 69, 70-71, with Saints, 86n.7 Veen, Otto van, 12 85 Saint Luigi Gonzaga in Glory, front Veil-Picard collection, 33 Immaculate Conception, The (1767- cover (detail), 17, 30, 31, 32, 67 Venice, 16 69), 70, 71 Saint Pascal Baylons Vision of Confraternita di San Rocco, 42 Juno Presiding over Fortune and the Eucharist (1767), 60, 61, Palazzo Sandi, 22, 24, 36, 38 Venus, 36,^6 64, 65, 66-67, 76 Santa Maria di Nazareth (Santa Madonna of the Rosary, The Saint Pascal Baylons Vision of the Maria degli Scalzi), 16, 17, 53, (1727-29), 27, 28, 29 Eucharist (1767-69; London), 55, 55 Madonna of the Rosary, The (1735), 66, 67 Scuola Grande dei Carmini, 55 27, 29, 29 Saint Pascal Baylons Vision of the Veronese, Paolo, 9 Martyrdom of Saint Agatha, The Eucharist (1767-69; Madrid), Vianello, Giovanni, 17 (ca. 1734), 44, 4

Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches - Page 96 Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches Page 95 Page 97