WHISTLER I98$a WHISTLER 1986 WHISTLER 1998 Whistler, Catherine. "A Modello Whistler, Catherine. "G. B. Whistler, Catherine. "Decoro for Tiepolo's Final Commission: Tiepolo at the Court of Charles e devozione nelle pale di The Allegory of the Immaculate III." Burlington Magazine 128, Giambattista Tiepolo ad o o ' Conception." Apollo (March 1985): no. 996 (March 1986): 199-204. Aranjuez." Arte veneta $2 (1998): 172-73. WHISTLER 1995 70-85. WHISTLER I98$b Whistler, Catherine. Review of ZAMPETTI 1969 Whistler, Catherine. "G. B. Giambattista Tiepolo, i dipinti, opera Zampetti, Pietro. Dal Ricci Tiepolo and. Charles III: completa by Massimo Gemin al Tiepolo: I pittori difigura del The Church of S. Pascual Baylon and Filippo Pedrocco. Burlington Settecento a Venezia. Exhibition r r at Aranjuez." Apollo 121 (May Magazine 137, no. mo catalogue. Venice: Alneri, 1969. 1985): 321-37- (September 199$): 625-27. EXHIBITIONS AND LITERATURE CITED 91
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