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KNOX 1963 LEVEY 1980 MORASSI 1950 Knox, George. "The Paintings Levey Michael. Painting in Morassi, Antonio. "Nuovi inediti by G. B. Tiepolo." Burlington Eighteenth-Century Venice. del Tiepolo." Emporium 112, no. Magazine 105, no. 724 (July Revised 2d ed. Ithaca, NY: 671 (November 1950): 195-209. 1963): 327-28. Cornell University Press, 1980. MORASSI I955a KNOX 1968 LEVEY 1986 Morassi, Antonio. G. B. Tiepolo: Knox, George. "G. B. Tiepolo Levey, Michael. Giambattista His Life and Work. Translated and the Ceiling of the Scalzi." Tiepolo: His Life and Art. New by Dr. and Mrs. Peter Murray. Burlington Magazine no, Haven: Yale University Press, New York: Phaidon, 1955. no. 784 (July 1968): 394-400. 1986. MORASSI I955b KNOX 1970 LEVEY 1994 Morassi, Antonio. "Some Knox, George. Tiepolo: A Levey, Michael. Giambattista 'Modelli' and Other Bicentenary Exhibition, 1770—1970. Tiepolo: His Life and Art. Reprint Unpublished Works by Tiepolo." Drawings, Mainly from American with corrections. New Haven: Burlington Magazine 97, no. 622 Collections, by Giambattista Tiepolo Yale University Press, 1994. (January 1955): 4-12. and the Members of His Circle. Exhibition catalogue. Cambridge, LORENZETTI 19$! MORASSI 1957 MA: Fogg Art Museum, Harvard Lorenzetti, Giulio. Mostra del Morassi, Antonio. "I quadri University, 1970. Tiepolo: Catologo ufficiale. veneti del Settecento nella Exhibition catalogue. Venice: riaperta Alte Pinakothek' di KNOX 1980 Alfieri, 1951. Monaco." Arte veneta n (1957): Knox, George. Giambattista and MARINI 1998 173-80. Domenico Tiepolo: A Study and Marini, Giorgio. "Novita per Catalogue Raisonne of the MORASSI 1962 Chalk Drawings. 2 vols. Oxford: Lorenzo Tiepolo incisore." Morassi, Antonio. A Complete Clarendon Press, 1980. In Giambattista Tiepolo nel terzo Catalogue of the Paintings of centenario della nascita: Atti G. B. Tiepolo, Including Pictures KNOX 1993 del Convegno internazionale di studi, by His Pupils and Followers Wrongly cc Knox, George. Ca' Sandi: La Venezia, Vicenza, Udine, Parigi, 29 Attributed to Him. Translated forza della eloquenza." ottobre-4 novembre 1996, edited by by Dr. and Mrs. Peter Murray Arte/Documento 7 (1993): 135-4$. Lionello Puppi. 2 vols. Quaderni London: Phaidon Press, 1962. di Venezia arti, 4. Venice: MRAS 1956 LEVEY I9$9 Universita Ca' Foscari di Mras, George P. "Some Drawings Levey Michael. Painting in Venezia, 1998: 1:99-104. by G. B. Tiepolo." Record of the Eighteenth-Century Venice. MARTINI 1988 Art Museum, Princeton University London: Phaidon Press, 1959. Martini, Egidio. "Un'opera gio- 15, no. 2 (1956): 39-59- LEVEY I96oa vanile di Giambattista Tiepolo." Arte veneta 42 (1988): 152-54. PALLUCCHINI 1951 Levey, Michael. "Count Seilern's Pallucchini, Rodolfo. Lezioni de Italian Pictures and Drawings." MAYER 1935 storia delVarte. La pittura veneziana Burlington Magazine 102, no. 684 Mayer, Augusto L. "Dos bocetras r del Settecento. Bologna: Riccardo o o ' ^ (March 1960): 122-23. de Juan Bautista Tiepolo." Patron, 1951. Revista espanola de arte 4 (1935): LEVEY I96ob 300-309. PALLUCCHINI 1960 Levey, Michael. "Two Paintings Pallucchini, Rodolfo. La pittura by Tiepolo from the Algarotti MORASSI 1938 veneziana del Settecento. Venice: Collection/' Burlington Magazine Morassi, Antonio. "Yet More Istituto per la collaborazione 102, no. 687 (June 1960): about the Young Tiepolo." culturale, 1960. 250-53. Burlington Magazine 73, no. 427 PAVANELLO 1996 (October 1938): 141-42. Pavanello, Giuseppe. Canova LEVEY 1971 MORASSI 1943 collezionista di Tiepolo. Monfalcone: Levey Michael. National Gallery Morassi, Antonio. Tiepolo. Edizioni della Laguna, 1996. Catalogues: The Seventeenth- and Bergamo: Istituto italiano d'arte Eighteenth-Century Italian Schools. grafiche, 1943. London: National Gallery 1971. EXHIBITIONS AND LITERATURE CITED 89

Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches - Page 90 Giambattista Tiepolo: Fifteen Oil Sketches Page 89 Page 91