Plate 18 Paul C4zanne The late St/7/ Life with Fruit, Carafe, Sugar front, the side, and the back of the composition; Still Life with Fruit, Carafe, Bowl, and Bottle is among Cezanne's water- turned one way and the other so that the long, Sugar Bowl, and Bottle, color still lifes that hover between the condition distended side and the shorter, more spherical 1900-1906 Watercolor and graphite on of the study and the status of the picture, occu- side are turned toward the viewer; and shown white paper, 31.5 x 43.1 cm pying the new category of the tableau non fini. in relation to different objects, which themselves 3 (i2 /s x 17 in.) It belongs to a larger set of variations on a theme, change from study to study, picture to picture. Paris, Musee du Louvre, including St/7/ Life with Cut Watermelon (pi. 6) This variation on the theme is one of the more Fonds Orsay R.F. 38979 and St/7/ Life with Green Melon (pi. 19), which refer tightly packed, overlapped, and watercolor- back through Edouard Manet and Henri Fantin- layered of the set; it is also more fully contextu- Latour to the Spanish tradition of the bodegone, alized than most, with its side view of the in which melons were prominently featured. watermelon and its table corner giving onto a From one to the other, they show the principal bit of implied wall and floor space. motif of the watermelon cut and whole; in the 96 CEZANNE IN THE STUDIO

Cézanne in the Studio: Still Life in Watercolors - Page 111 Cézanne in the Studio: Still Life in Watercolors Page 110 Page 112