NOTES 184. For amber in Egypt, see n. 103. 180. S. Hood, The Arts in Prehistoric Greece (London, 1978), pp. 202-3. 185. Andrews 1994, p. 50. See also G. T. Martin, Scarabs, Cylinders, See E. M. Konstantinidi, Jewellery Revealed in the Burial Contexts and Other Ancient Egyptian Seals (Warminster, 1985); and E. of the Greek Bronze Age, BAR S912 (Oxford, 2001), pp. 60–62. Hornung and F. Staechelin, Skarabäen und andere Siegelamulette aus Basler Sammlungen (Mainz, 1976). Hölbl 1979 181. Hughes-Brock 1985, p. 259. lists the amber scarabs from Egypt in Italy. See also Zazoff 1968 182. Quotation fromHughes-Brock 1985, p. 259. See Hughes-Brock andBissing 1931. For Phoenician and Punic amulets, see E. 1993, p. 221. Undisturbed burials of both women and men Acquaro, “Gli scarabei e gli amuleti,” pp. 404–21, and M. L. show that burials could contain a single bead. The earliest Uberti, “Gli avori e gli ossi,” pp. 394–403, in I Fenici 1988. See amber with figural embellishment appears to be a unique also G. Hölbl, Ägyptisches Kulturgut im phönikishen und (Greek-made) seal engraved with a bull, excavated from Tomb punischen Sardinien, 2 vols. (Leiden, 1986). 518 at Mycenae, which, in the opinion of Hughes-Brock, may be 186. Palavestra and Krstić 2006, p. 23. one of the few certain cases of amber worked after its arrival in Greece. The sex of Tomb 518’s inhabitant has not been 187. For Frattesina, see, for example, Negroni Catacchio 1972; A. established. Mastrocinque, “Le ambre di Frattesina, in protosoria e storia del ‘Venetorum angulus,’” in Atti del XX convegno di studi 183. For Qatna, see A. J. Mukherjee et al., “The Qatna Lion: Scientific etruschi ed italici, Portogruaro, Quarto d’Altino, Este, Adria, 16–19 Confirmation of Baltic Amber in Late Bronze Age Syria,” ottobre 1996 (Pisa, 1999), pp. 227–34 (with earlier bibl. including Antiquity 82 (2008): 49–59; and M. Al-Maqdissi, H. Dohmann- Negroni Catacchio 1989); P. Bellantini, “Frattesina: L’ambre e la Pfälzner, and A. Suleiman, “Das königliche Hypogaeum von produzione vitrea nel contesto delle relazioni transalpine,” in Qatna,” Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin Ori delle Alpi, exh. cat., ed. L. Endrizzi and F. Marzatico (Trento, 135 (2003): 189–218. 1997); and Fuscagni 1982. Bronze Age 61

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