The shape of the pendant suggests that the original form thirteen other head-pendants in a “princely” tomb at of the amber was teardrop-shaped. The long smoothed Roscigno–Monte Pruno, the context dated to the early fifth grooves are the result of a precarving cleaning of surface century B.C.2 The second is a head-pendant from Tomb fissures or inclusions. The vestigial neck of the figure is 106 at Banzi, from a context dated to the first quarter of formed from a spur of amber. A 2 mm perforation for the fifth century.3 The third is a much-worn head-pendant suspension passes laterally through the top of the in the Getty, 77.AO.81.25. The schematic carving of the headdress. When suspended, the chin was recessed close eyes, nose, and mouth of 77.AO.81.5 is comparable to that to the wearer’s neck, making the eyes look downward. of one of the heads from Tomb 428 at Banzi.4 Discussion NOTES The smoothing on the prominent surfaces—nose, eyes, 1. Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 5534, found on Elba: H. mouth, and chin—is evidence of considerable preburial Jucker, “Etruskische Bronzen,” AA (1967): 620–21, figs. 5–6; H. use wear. For the figure’s dress, see the entry for Jucker, “Etruscan Bronzes from Populonia,” in Art and 77.AO.81.25 (cat. no. 26); for a discussion of wings on Technology: A Symposium on Classical Bronzes, ed. S. Doeringer, amber head-pendants, see the entry for 76.AO.85.2 (cat. D. G. Mitten, and A. Steinberg (Cambridge, MA, 1970), pp. no. 15). In frontal view, this head has an uncanny 199–203, figs. 8a–f; and Richardson 1983, p. 232, figs. 522–24. similarity to a unique and odd Etruscan votive bronze of a 2. For a recent discussion of the find, see Losi et al. 1993, p. 206, n. togate male figure in Naples, who wears a close-fitting hat 20. or net incised with a scale pattern. (Or is this the hair?) Hans Jucker places this togate figure in his Populonia 3. SeeBottini 1990, p. 59, no. 4, fig. 2.4. group; Emeline Richardson places it in her Late Archaic 4. For an illustration of the head-pendant from Tomb 428 at Banzi, grouping, Type 2A, Ionians.1 Although there is no close parallel for 77.AO.81.5, it corresponds in dress and type to seeMagie d’ambra2005, p. 125; for discussion of the ambers from the tomb, see Bottini 1987. three other amber head-pendants. One was found with Cat. no. 23 191

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