5. Strong 1966, p. 81, no. 76, pl. XXIX. 9. D. K. Hill, Catalogue of the Classical Bronze Sculpture in the Walters 6. Berlin, Antikensammlung: A. Fürtwangler, Die antiken Gemmen Art Gallery (Baltimore, 1949), no. 275, also cited by Hoffman (see (Leipzig, 1900), no. 92; J. Boardman, Island Gems (London, 1963), n. 7, above). p. 23, no. 2, pl. 1; E. Zwierlein-Diehl, Antike Gemmen in deutschen 10. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts 10.163 (from Sirolo): Comstock and Sammlungen 2. Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Vermeule 1971, p. 309, no. 435. Antikenabteilung, Berlin (Munich, 1969), no. 115, pl. 272; and 11. Florence, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 294: Colonna 1985, pp. Hampe and Simon 1981, p. 196, figs. 306–7. 174–79, no. 10.2; P. Bocci Paccini, “Alcuni bronzetti arcaici della 7. Norbert Schimmel Collection 1974, no. 24 (H. Hoffman). ‘Fonte Veneziana,’” in Studi di Antichità in Onore di Guglielmo 8. Ibid. cites as parallel the bronze boar in the Hispanic Society, Maetzke(Florence, 1984), pp. 119–23; and P. Bocci Paccini, “La New York; for which, see A. Garcia y Bellido, Hispanica Graeca 2 stipe delle Fonte Veneziana ad Arezzo,” StEtr 48 (1980): 73–91 (1948): 28, 95–96, no. 13. (with additional bibl.); also illustrated in Civiltà degli Etruschi 1985, p. 251, fig. 3.25. Like many of the other bronzes in the deposit, the boar is strongly Ionian in style. 234 BOARS

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