earlier one (of circa 1424–56) in a British Museum manuscript. 108. O. Muscarella, The Lie Became Great: The Forgery of Ancient Near He also refers to B. S. Tosatti, Manoscritto Veneziano: Un Eastern Cultures (Groningen, 2000); and A. T. Olmstead, “Amber manuale di pittura e altre arti—miniatura, incisione, vetri, vetrate Statuette of Ashur-nasir-apal, King of Assyria (885–860 B.C.),” e ceramiche—di medicina, farmacopea e alchimia del Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) 36 (1938): 78–83. Quattrocento (Milan, 1991). 109. For the Paris statuette, see references for the Getty statuette 107. Tao Hongjing, Collection of Commentaries on the Divine Seated Divinity (82.AO.51, cat. no. 57). Husbandman’s Classic of Materia Medica (reference from Langenheim 2003, p. 279). Amber and Forgery 39

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