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40. Pendant: Ram’s Head Getty Museum collection) have obscured some finer details. One inclusion is visible at the nose. In ambient light, the head is dark brown with a reddish tint; in transmitted illumination, it is bright red-brown where translucent. Description The pendant form and the animal are very similar to the rams76.AO.82(cat. no. 39) and 77.AO.81.7 (cat. no. 41). Four lines cross the nose and slope down toward the corners of the mouth. Beneath the eyes are three small incised folds that curve toward the ear. The chin slopes smoothly upward under the overhanging upper lip; the underside of the chin is flat. The horns are relieved from Accession 76.AO.83 the fleece. The missing horn tips would have turned Number outward. The poll, the cheeks, and the back of the head Culture Etruscan are cross-hatched. The horns are well elevated above the skull, and their ridges are closely spaced straight grooves Date 525–480 B.C. extending two-thirds of the way from the root to the tip. Dimensions Length: 24 mm; width: 19.5 mm; depth: 15.5 Two additional rings occur at the midpoint of the last mm; Weight: 4.0 g third of the horns. In comparison to 76.AO.82, the ears are upright, the muzzle is longer, and there is a more Subjects Inclusions; Ram prominent rise or bump on the bridge of the muzzle. Provenance Two 1.5 mm perforations at opposite edges of the back do not meet, suggesting that they were drilled after a metal –1976, Gordon McLendon (Dallas, TX), donated to the J. mount was placed on the amber. A 3 mm stopped bore of Paul Getty Museum, 1976. indeterminate purpose is drilled into the back. The collar is bordered by a molded detail consisting of a small fillet Condition surmounted by an ovolo topped by another fillet. There are clear abrasion marks in the molding. The head is in good condition, intact with small chips at Discussion the tips of the horns and overall fine surface cracking. A portion of the base is broken away. Wear, degradation, See the entry for 76.AO.82. and a varnishlike coating (applied before entry into the 245

Ancient Carved Ambers in the J. Paul Getty Museum - Page 255 Ancient Carved Ambers in the J. Paul Getty Museum Page 254 Page 256