Some cracking in a garage slab is common and will not impact the floor’s performance. Contractors may cut control joints to provide a line for the cracking to follow. You may further protect the concrete and treat it with a concrete sealer to help protect the concrete and prevent staining. Be sure to follow manufactures installation instructions. Floor drains are usually located next to the furnace to help remove water spilled on the basement floor and, in some cases, for the drainage of water condensation from the chimney of a high efficiency furnace. To prevent sewer gas from entering your home through floor drains, make sure water is always present in the drains. To test if your drains have water in them, pour a little water into the drain and listen. You should hear if the water hits more water or if it hits the bottom of the trap. Every few months or if you smell sewer gas, pour a bucket of water down the drain to re-establish the water seal. Floor Drains Garage Floors To prevent sewer gas from entering your home through floor drains, make sure water is always present in the drains. Radon Gas Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in soil and rock, is a common element found everywhere in the earth’s crust and can be found in almost all homes in Canada. It is invisible, odorless and tasteless and when it is released into the outdoor air, is diluted and not a concern, however Health concerns have been attributed to prolonged exposure from radon gas at levels above safety guidelines. Radon concentration levels will vary from one house to another even if the homes are next door or a similar model and design and can enter a home any place it finds an opening where the house contacts the ground; cracks in foundation walls and floors, floor drains, sumps or construction joints. New homes are constructed to seal around the basement floor and openings and Builders will install a roughed-in ventilation pipe for future connection to an active mitigation system should the homeowner decided to install one. The only way to be sure of the radon level in your home is to test. Homeowners should look for a mitigation professional that is certified by the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) to complete the job if testing shows radon levels above the safe guideline. 28 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM

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