Delamination, the lifting of laminate from the wood substrate, can happen for several reasons: insufficient adhesive applied during construction, too much heat applied to the surface or water penetration. Delamination due to a lack of adhesive usually occurs near the corners on vertical edges. To reattach corners, simply apply more adhesive. If the detached piece is broken, the procedure is much more complex. Make sure broken edges are taped down to avoid any further delamination or fracturing of the laminate until a repair can be done by a professional. Tiles can be made from ceramic, porcelain or natural stone. Ceramic tiles are made from pressed clay. They come in matte, metallic or glazed finishes. Glazed finishes are more susceptible to scratches. Porcelain tiles, also made from clay, are baked at high temperatures and hide scratches and chips better than ceramic tiles because the colour goes through the full thickness of the tile. To reduce staining of the grout on your tile countertop or backsplash, apply grout sealer every other year. Can I fix the scratches and chips in my laminate countertop? Tile Countertops 42 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM