A GFI circuit senses the difference between electrical current entering an appliance and electrical current exiting an appliance. If the current exiting the appliance is different from the current that entered the appliance, the GFI will identify the change in current as a power ‘leak’ from the appliance—a leak that is probably going through a person’s body. The GFI will shut down the flow of electrical current in a fraction of a second. If you have lost power at a regular-looking outlet, it may be due to a tripped GFI outlet further up the circuit line. To confirm this, check if the cord plugged into the outlet works if plugged into another outlet in the home. If they do, then check the GFI outlet in the ensuite bathroom to see if it has tripped. If it hasn’t tripped, check the breaker itself on the electrical panel. You can also check that electrical appliances plugged into a GFI outlet, or appliances on a circuit protected by a GFI circuit breaker, are working. If you have reoccurring problems, contact the electrical contractor who wired the home. Why does my GFI trip? What should I do when it trips? Electrical appliances come with manuals and warranty papers. Review these documents carefully, particularly the operating/ maintenance instructions. Appliances Before you move in, your builder should ensure all appliances included with the home are in working order. Electrical appliances come with manuals and warranty papers. Review these documents carefully, particularly the operating/ maintenance instructions. You should also file warranty cards with the appliance manufacturers, so you are informed of any recalls. Local service technicians can help if you encounter any operational problems or have questions regarding an appliance. Placing all your manuals in a binder is a great way to keep information together and will be a great resource for a buyer should you ever sell your home. ELECTRICAL 103