An easement provides another party access to a defined section of your property. For example, access is granted to service water/ drainage systems, power/telephone cable routes or even a driveway route to an adjacent property. Easements deal with the lot itself, not the homeowners, so when land is bought or sold the easements remain attached to that land in the sale. Easements are noted on the Real Property Report or on the Certificate of Title. If you plan to build or landscape next to an easement (such as a power box, a How do easements and utility corridors impact my property? Before digging anything—from a new flowerbed to a deck pile—make sure you know the locations of all underground services. • Before paving or installing a concrete driveway, look for a survey pin, plastic pipe or metal cover that indicates a water shut-off valve (sometimes called a ‘cc valve’) is in the area. Access to that valve must be brought to the top of the driveway. Do not cover the valve with concrete or asphalt • When watering your lawn, avoid getting water on electrical boxes • Do not surround gas meters with any enclosures. Enclosures could concentrate gas that would normally be vented. OTHER PROPERTY CONSIDERATIONS drainage swale, property line or roadway), contact the planning department in your jurisdiction regarding buffer zones. Make sure you are aware of what you can and cannot do near utility poles, electrical boxes or meters installed on your property. Before digging anything—from a new flowerbed to a deck pile—make sure you know the locations of all underground services. Within your province, utility services can be located free of charge with the “Call Before You Dig ” service. Schedule an appointment by calling 1.800.242.3447 or visit EXTERIOR ELEMENTS 9