Shrinking Wood LUMBER USED FOR FRAMING A HOME MUST NOT CONTAIN MORE THAN 19 PER CENT MOISTURE. DURING THE FIRST HEATING SEASON, SHRINKAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTINUED NATURAL DRYING OF THE WOOD MAY CAUSE THE FOLLOWING ISSUES: • Thin cracks may appear in exposed wood structural members (e.g. joists and beams) • Small gaps may appear between countertops, cabinets, vanities and the wall and minor joints may open in door and window trims, baseboards etc. • Fireplace mantels may shrink slightly and separate from the wall or at joints • Gaps may appear between individual wood floor pieces or between the floor and the baseboard, door jambs or stair treads • Squeaks may develop in floor underlay, wood flooring and stair treads. Wood expands and shrinks when the humidity level changes. Minor shrinkage is inherent to wood construction and does not impact the structural integrity of your home. In many cases, gaps from shrinkage can be attributed to temperature extremes between the interior and exterior walls in the winter months (thermal bowing, truss uplift etc.). These gaps and cracks may become less noticeable when more temperate weather returns. 30 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM

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