Basements Basement walls are subjected to many stresses. For example, the base of the wall ( below grade) maintains a fairly uniform temperature but the portion above grade is exposed to seasonal temperature variations. These temperature changes can cause the wall to shift or crack. Moisture is always present in soil. The amount of moisture will increase in the spring when snow begins to melt and during heavy or prolonged rains. Builders take measures to ensure water does not accumulate against the foundation walls or under the basement slab. Moving surface water away from the foundation is the best way to protect your home from water penetration. How can I keep water from penetrating my concrete foundation walls or floor? Unless there is an unusual amount of water accumulating against the foundation (such as in a severe rainstorm or from poorly maintained grade around the foundation), large amounts of water should not flow into the basement. However, concrete is a porous material and any coatings applied to the walls to Visit water for more surface water management strategies repel water do not go under the footing the wall rests on. In this space, small amounts of water may be transferred through the concrete and show up as dampness on the inside of the concrete wall. Make sure you are prepared to manage water if it does enter the basement. Check your sump pit and pump in the spring and fall to ensure the pump is operational, the power cord is in good shape, the pipes are connected and the pump turns on when the float is lifted. If your weeping tile is gravity fed and you do not have a pump and pit, there may be little you can do to check the operation and no maintenance required As a homeowner, you are responsible to make sure systems put in place by your builder are maintained and working as intended to prevent unnecessary water damage to your property. 26 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM

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