Sealant is usually a clear, white or light- coloured flexible material placed where two hard surfaces come together. It’s often seen at the joint between a countertop and a backsplash or where a tile wall meets the top of a bathtub. This ‘bead’ of sealant prevents water from finding its way behind water-resistant materials to less resistant materials behind the joint. This bead of sealant should be applied in a continuous, unbroken line. With cleaning, and the natural expansion and contraction of the materials bonded by the sealant, the sealant may crack or separate from one or both sides of a joint. Sealant joints should be checked on a regular basis and repaired immediately if deteriorating. After your home’s warranty period expires, the maintenance and repair of sealant is the responsibility of the homeowner. Sealants & Caulking • Check for damage of the materials underneath the joint. This damage could be a discolouration or a softening of the material. From the source of penetration, continue to look for damage on the floor below because water often runs behind cabinets or down drywall towards the floor • Replace or dry and repair the damaged area • Remove all or parts of the old sealant bead and clean and dry the area • Re-apply an appropriate type of sealant. Various types of sealants are specially formulated for kitchens, bathrooms etc. The sealant tube will provide information on the properties of the sealant and application instructions WATER HAS GONE BEHIND MY SEALANT. HOW DO I REPAIR THIS? If water has penetrated behind a sealant joint: INTERIOR FINISHING 59