Make sure you read the owner’s manual for your CO detector, so you know what level of CO your model is capable of sensing. You should also know what your CO detector alarm sounds like. • Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before installing a CO detector • Do not place the detector within five feet of household chemicals • Do not place your detector directly • If your CO detector is wired directly into your home’s electrical system, you should test it monthly. For an added level of protection, install a battery operated detector as well in case of a power failure on top of or directly across from, a fuel-burning appliance. These appliances will emit some CO when initially lit. • Code requires carbon monoxide alarms to be interconnected, so that when one alarm sounds, all alarms sound. • If your CO detector is battery operated, test the detector regularly. Change the batteries every spring (along with any smoke detectors) or more regularly if recommended by the manufacturer. BEFORE YOU INSTALL YOUR DETECTOR: TESTING YOUR DETECTOR IS IMPORTANT: Click here for more information about CO and CO detectors. Changes to the Building Code made it mandatory for CO detectors to be placed in any room that shares a floor, wall or ceiling with a garage as well as in or within 5 m of each bedroom. 82 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM