Private Sewage Treatment Systems The plumbing system in a home consists of plastic drain piping, copper or plastic water delivery piping and the fixtures that connect to these piping systems (such as toilets, bathtubs and faucets). If you are finishing a basement, take note of the plumbing routes and Outside of municipalities, the home’s drainage system may carry sewage to a private, on-site sewage treatment system. If you have such a system, you must learn how to use it and maintain it properly. In Alberta, the “Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice” requires installers to give system owners a manual. Make sure you receive this manual from your builder and are familiar with how to operate the system. Faulty systems create health hazards and contaminate the environment. A private sewage treatment system may require regular service by a professional. make sure you leave access to meters, valves, drains and cleanouts. Many plumbing components such as faucets and toilets are mechanical devices and as such require periodic maintenance or the replacement of parts. Most systems are located some distance from the home and may have restrictions on what is placed or grown above or around them. Also, keep heavy construction equipment away from the septic tank and disposal system and keep all traffic off the system during the winter months. Certain chemicals and products can alter the balance of bacteria and microbes that breakdown waste and should not enter your sewage treatment system. Keep heavy construction equipment away from the septic tank and disposal system and keep all traffic off the system during the winter months. 86 ANHWP.COM • ALBERTA NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM

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