Annex 2C: ROCOND 346 are rated even if less than 50m in length. Segments can exceed 1 km where the distance between consecutive kilometer posts exceeds 1 km. The inspection procedure caters for different pavement types and/ or surface condition in rural segments. Some items are necessarily evaluated by sampling. The rating ascribed to each item is deemed to report the average condition of the whole segment at the time of rating. This manual is designed for use by ifeld personnel. A team of two is required and should comprise the trained local rater and the regular rating assistant. An experienced team can rate up to 20 km of 2 lane rural lfexible pavement road per day depending upon traiffc and road condition. A Region based rating team will be used for audit and calibration. This quality control check must cover at least 5% (minimum 10 segments) of each District for each surface type. If there is a discrepancy of greater than 15 VCI points on more than 10% of the segments for any surface type, then all of the segments for that surface type must be resurveyed. 2. Methods and Procedures 2.1. GENERAL ROCOND is a manual for Visual Condition Rating of rural roads. These roads are deifned as those with either a “Rural” or “Urban (non- metropolitan)” environment in the RBIA. The aim of this manual is to assist in the rating of existing conditions in a uniform and consistent manner. This will ensure the uniformity of input to the Pavement Management and Network Planning Systems that depend upon data integrity. Raters are assigned from the various District Oiffces and should have experience in road maintenance, construction or materials testing. Use of this manual will ensure a common and consistent approach to rating methods and procedures. Rating the road could be done using such comments as; good, fair, poor or bad. However, the opinion of what was good, fair, poor or bad would vary from rater to rater. Instead, rating is done using measurements,
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