Chapter 6: Local Road Construction Management 180 successors in title to this person. In some other form of contracts, the Employer is named as the Owner as in the Project Owner or the Client; d. Engineer. This is the Provincial/City/Municipal Engineer or the person appointed by the Local Chief Executive who exercises the authority attributable to the Engineer under the Contract. The Local Engineer is deemed to act for the Employer; e. Contractor. This is the contractor named in the contract whose tender was accepted by the Employer to undertake the works speciifed under the contract; f. Commencement/start Date. This shall be the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed or Notice to Commence Work, in which the Contractor shall commence execution of the Works with due expedition and without delay; g. Contract duration/ Completion time. This shall be the Time for completion, which means the date/time for completing the Works as stated in the Contract. h. Taking-Over Certiifcate/buy out or Certiifcate of Completion. This is the same as Certiifcate of Completion issued to the Contractor upon completion of the Works in accordance with the Contract.; i. Performance Certiifcate or Certiifcate of Acceptance. Performance Certiifcate is the same as the Certiifcate of Acceptance issued to the Contractor after the Contractor Defects Liability Period has been completed and tested all the Works including remedying defects. The Engineer usually issues the Performance Certiifcate after the latest of the expiry dates of the Defects Notiifcation Period; j. Defects Notiifcation Period (DNP). This is also known as the Defects Liability Period (DLP). The period for notifying defects in the Works or part of the works which extends up to twelve months, except if otherwise stated in the Contract. The DNP is calculated from the date on which the Works or

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