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Chapter 6: Local Road Construction Management 166 2.6 General Guidance and Practices The following are the other general guidance and practices for the supervision of road works by the CS Team: a. Setting Out or staking – Veriifcation of Quantities i. One of the ifrst activities is verifying the quantities of the Works with the Contractor, which will require the Contractor to complete a pre-construction or stake out survey, establish reference station in coordination with the site engineer and set out the centerline in order to establish accurate change/station points. The Site Engineer (or Inspector) will check that the Contractor’s setting out is correct in reference to construction plan; ii. On completion of the setting or as stake survey, the Site Engineer (or Inspector) together with the Contractor should verify the quantities to complete the Works and compare with the original quantities included in the Contract. Any differences should be recorded and a report submitted to the Resident Engineer; any deviation with the construction plan vis a vis the as stake plan shall constitute variation order either additive or deductive in nature. iii. The Site Engineer (or Inspector) should check the reference points occasionally to see that none have been damaged. If there is suspected damage the Contractor should immediately be notiifed as well as the RE; and iv. The Site Engineer (or Inspector) should always check that the Contractor is working to the latest edition of the Drawings based on the approve as stake plan. A register of drawings is to be kept in the Resident Engineer’s Oiffce.

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 166 LRM Manual CMGP Page 165 Page 167