Chapter 7: Local Road Maintenance Management 224 Table 7.11 Replacement of Concrete Pavements Purpose To provide smooth, well-drained pavements and prevent progressive deterioration of the pavement. Procedure 1. Remove damaged pavement. 2. Add base material, if needed. 3. Salvage waste material suitable for back ifll. Place remainder in a sage location for removal. 4. Shape hole so that sides are vertical, corners are square and sides have no abrupt changes in line and hole is cut back into sound pavement. 5. Mix and place concrete and ifnish to match surrounding surface or place hot mix in layers and compact each layer. 6. Cure concrete. Barricade from traiffc for at least 14 days. Notes • Sub-grade or sub-base in poor conditions should be replaced. • Damaged dowel bars of existing slab should be replaced. • For contact surface with existing slab, joint should be installed to cut adhesion between old and new concrete. In addition, underlay paper is used on the sub-base surface to reduce friction with concrete slab.

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 224 LRM Manual CMGP Page 223 Page 225