Chapter 3: Local Road Planning 64 geo-hazards. Or at the very least, road projects located where the environmental impacts are minimal; e. Road safety concerns. These are provincial roads where there are minimal road safety issues. This also pertains to locating road projects that improves road safety concerns; f. Manageable road right-of-way issues. These are provincial roads that are selected based on the manageability of issues/conlficts in road right-of-way; g. Minimal cultural impact. These are provincial roads where the cultural impact is at a minimum; h. Peace and order conditions. Provincial roads are selected to promote peace and order in the locality; i. Population and settlements. These are provincial roads where the inlfuence area is highest in terms of population. These may also pertain to provincial roads that have the largest number of settlements along its inlfuence area; j. Poverty incidence. These are provincial roads where poverty incidence is the highest and therefore, the largest potential for poverty alleviation activities; k. Road importance. This a combined metric in selecting provincial roads where the more important road is deemed to be those that have higher traiffc volume and more commercial and industrial activities; l. Road condition. Provincial roads are selected based on their surface condition whether good, fair, poor and bad; m. Surface type. Provincial roads are selected based on the type of pavement surface in terms of earth, gravel, asphalt and concrete pavement; and n. Traiffc volume. This refers to selecting provincial roads with the highest traiffc volume or number of vehicles passing through its alignment.