Local Road Management Manual 23 1. Administrative Classiifcation of Roads As illustrated in the previous chapter, the Philippine Road Network is classiifed into and managed by different entities. The National Government through the Department of Public Works and Highways has jurisdiction over National Roads, and Local Government Units have jurisdiction over local roads. The administration of roads according to their classiifcation is shown in table 2.1 below: Table 2.1 Administration and Classiifcation of Roads Executive Order No. 113 (EO 113) Series of 1955 formally establishes a system of classiifcation of roads in the Philippines. EO 113 empowers the then Department of Public Works and Communications to recommend to the President the classiifcation of roads and highways into national, provincial, city and municipal roads including prescribing standard widths of right-of-way. The previous Ministry of Public Works and Highways (MPWH) was reorganized into the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) through Executive Order No. 124 (EO 124) Series of 1987. DPWH, by virtue of EO 124, was given the mandate to classify roads and highways into national, regional, provincial, city, municipal,

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