Chapter 5: Local Road Quantity Calculation and Cost Estimation 136 chapter): a. Materials Schedule. This is the schedule of materials that are required for all work items in the contract. It contains the estimated distance and volume of quarry sites that shall be the sources of construction materials for the project. Information for preparing material estimates is taken from work element estimates, drawings, location and speciifcations. A material estimate is often referred to as a Bill of Materials or a Materials Takeoff; b. Equipment Schedule. This is the listing of the type of equipment, the time duration needed and the number of pieces required in a road project. Information from the work element estimates, drawings and speciifcations, and information gathered from site inspection provide the basis for preparing the equipment estimate. The production rates for each equipment are also estimated for a given volume and source of materials and complement of workforce; and c. Workforce Schedule. This is the deployment schedule of theworkforce needed to complete each work items. The listing may show in suiffcient detail the various categories of labor or typical crew required to complete each work element. Workforce estimates are used in determining the number of persons and the required skills or expertise. This listing also includes the schedule of deployment for skilled and unskilled laborers, as well as project personnel such as the project engineers, project Lead person, materials engineer and other support staff. In general, the Bill of Quantities are grouped according to the following major divisions of pay items for a typical road project (use the corresponding pay item code from the DPWH Standard Speciifcations, where appropriate): a. Facility for the Engineer b. Other General Requirements c. Earthworks d. Subbase and Base Course e. Surface Course f. Drainage and Slope Protection Works g. Miscellaneous structure h. Mobilization and Demobilization
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