Annex 2C: ROCOND 360 unbound layer, in which case it should be rated as a pothole. PURPOSE If a road repair has been successful there may be no pavement defects to rate in that segment of road. A new road also has no defects. That there are no defects to rate may imply that the road is brand new. However, we know that if the road has been repaired, it is probably older and more likely to fail again than a brand new road. We therefore rate even the successful patches as a way of gaining some understanding of the likely life of the remainder of the pavement in that segment. Thus there is no limit to the size of a patch. Patches of all sizes should be rated. METHOD This item is assessed over the total carriageway area of the segment. (Refer to section 2.5.) MEASUREMENT The length of patching per width band is rated and recorded every 100m lengths. 3.1.2. Potholes (Flexible Pavement) Assessed over total area of segment Example: (Assessed over total carriageway area of segment) In the ifrst 100m of a segment there are 2 potholes, both 0.5m wide and measuring 0.5 and 1.0m in length. There is 1 pothole in the third 100m segment, measuring 1m by 1m. These potholes will be recorded as follows:
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