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Chapter 4: Local Road Surface Treatment Options 108 iv. Implementation of civil works for local roads, new construction, rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance. g. Road Design and Activity Standards. The quantity and quality of civil works for local road infrastructure should be properly deifned and estimated based on actual road conditions, the estimated level of traiffc volume and the project design life; whether its ifve (5), ten (10) or more year design period. This process is called Detailed Engineering Design (or DED), which is prepared for civil works such as rehabilitation, improvement or new construction. This is obviously undertaken prior to procurement and implementation. For maintenance works, activity standards are prepared rather than a detailed design. Activity standards are the quantity and quality of maintenance activities applied to a maintainable local road. These are based on typical conditions and normally have been to be adequate for a given ifscal year. If the implementation of the civil works is contracted out, one the needed output of the Detailed Engineering Design is the Quantity Take off and the Bill of Quantity; the basis for Approved Budget for the Contract; h. Procurement. As discussed above, civil works shall be procured through competitive bidding procedure as mandated in RA 9184. Competitive Bidding is the default methods of procurement. Only budgeted civil works undergoes the procurement process. To start or trigger procurement of works, services and goods, the end user must prepare a Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP), duly approved by the HOPE or LCE in order for the BAC Secretariat to consolidate the plan to an Annual Procurement Plan (APP), also needed to be duly approved by the HOPE or LCE. The approved APP shall be the basis of the BAC to procure certain project. Local Engineering Oiffces should take part in the procurement process either as member of the BAC or as TWG, as they are the Technical arm of the LGU. Contractors performance is monitored and evaluated by a separate and independent unit in a system called Constructor Performance Evaluation System (CPES), which is also being mandated by the National Government under the auspices of NEDA, DTI, DILG. CPES is brielfy discussed in the chapter on construction management;

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 108 LRM Manual CMGP Page 107 Page 109