Annex 3A: Guidelines for Local Gravel Road Rehabilitation 448 suggested for ditch slopes greater than 5%, although the spacing may be increased in lfatter areas (IBRD, 2005). Outlets from culverts carrying watercourses will be leveled with the existing stream bed where possible. In other cases, outlets from turnout drains and culverts should spread water over a vegetated area with a gentle slope, whenever possible. Standards for road safety devices and road signs An inspection should be undertaken on the full length of the roadway sections from a traiffc safety perspective, identify appropriate accident mitigation measures for speciifc locations and incorporate these into the designs. The Road Safety Audit should be carried out in accordance with the process set out in the Philippines Road Safety Audit Manual, February 2004 Edition and other guidelines and manuals applicable in the Philippines. The audit should be concentrated on the safety implications of the road project and it aims to: 1. Consider the safety of all road users 2. Ensure that preventable collision-producing elements are absent 3. Ensure that injury reducing elements are provided at suitable locations 4. Eliminate black spots along the road alignment. The outcome of the audit should identify the safety concerns with the existing road and suggests improvements to enhance the level of safety of the road facility. The safety measures that should be included in the design shall include the provision of ancillary facilities such as road signs, guardrails, slope protections and proper layout of critical sections to attain visibility of vehicles in areas such as intersections, bridge approaches and areas where roadside interference is a factor. Road safety devices including guard rails, safety barriers and traiffc signs may, where necessary for road safety considerations, be included under rehabilitation works even if these items were not previously installed along the road section. Existing guard rails, safety barriers and road signs may be repaired, rehabilitated or replaced as necessary for road safety considerations. Safety during rehabilitation and maintenance work As a priority in all activities, undertakings and endeavors continuous safety of the public and all persons directly or indirectly associated with the works should be ensured.

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