Chapter 4: Local Road Surface Treatment Options 130 6. Standard Technical Speciifcations for Local Road Projects Work items for local road projects such as road rehabilitation, maintenance, new construction, upgrading and improvement are recommended to follow the Standard Speciifcations for Public Works and Highways issued by DPWH (last updated in 2013). There are however special work items that are not identiifed in the said DPWH Standard Technical Speciifcations. As an example, standard surface course materials are not available locally. Importing such materials increases the cost of delivery and installation. For this case, local engineering oiffces may use available local materials provided that it complies with the technical speciifcations for similar items. For such instances, the local engineering oiffces should adopt DPWH Revised work items code issued last January 2017 for road projects; Local materials not passing similar technical speciifcations may mean that the LGU will have to allocate more maintenance works for the subject road where such local materials were used.
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