Annex 5: Activity Standards for Local Gravel Road Maintenance 564 ACTIVITY NO. 303: GUARDRAIL MAINTENANCE I. Description of Activity Use this activity for repairing, repainting or replacing guardrails and posts. Trimming vegetation to improve guardrail visibility and cleaning guardrails are included, if incidental to work. II. Purpose To maintain guardrails in as-constructed condition. III. Schedule of Application Schedule when guardrail installations have lost their original strength, alignment or visibility. IV. Construction Method 1. By Place safety devices. 2. Perform maintenance in accordance with current traiffc control devices guidelines. 3. Remove safety devices. V. Daily Production Rate 10-30 linear meters of guardrail to be maintained VI. Method of Measurement Guardrail maintenance shall be measured by linear meter of completed guardrail.
LRM Manual CMGP Page 563 Page 565