Local Road Management Manual 183 b. Progress Payments The Contractor may submit a request for payment for Work accomplished. Such request for payment shall be veriifed and certiifed by the Procuring Entity’s Representative/ Project Engineer based on target accomplishment. Except as otherwise stipulated in the SCC, materials and equipment delivered on the site but not completely put in place shall not be included for payment. The Procuring Entity shall deduct the following from the certiifed gross amounts to be paid to the contractor as progress payment: i. Cumulative value of the work previously certiifed and paid for. ii. Portion of the advance payment to be recouped for the month. iii. Retention money in accordance with the condition of contract. iv. Amount to cover third party liabilities. v. Amount to cover uncorrected discovered defects in the works. Payments shall be adjusted by deducting therefrom the amounts for advance payments and retention. The Procuring Entity shall pay the Contractor the amounts certiifed by the Procuring Entity’s Representative within twenty-eight (28) days from the date each certiifcate was issued. No payment of interest for delayed payments and adjustments shall be made by the Procuring Entity. The ifrst progress payment may be paid by the Procuring Entity to the Contractor provided that at least twenty percent (20%) of the work has been accomplished as certiifed by the Procuring Entity’s Representative. Items of the Works for which a price of “0” (zero) has been entered will not be paid for by the Procuring Entity and shall be deemed covered by other rates and prices in the Contract.

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 183 LRM Manual CMGP Page 182 Page 184