Local Road Management Manual 95 the local road network. The programming of works for a local road should be based on how it is prioritized within the over-all local road network. It is highly likely that roads identiifed as critical corridors for the development of the LGU will have more programmed works compared to other local roads. Only prioritized programmed works should be budgeted by the LGU for a given ifscal year. The key steps in the annual programming cycle for road rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance are shown in Figure 3.17. This annual work programming is a good approach that the respective local engineering oiffces can practice in prioritizing road works. The key steps of the annual programming for local roads are: a. Identify, prioritize and select the priority road sections for rehabilitation and maintenance, ensuring wide consultation among LGU departments and other stakeholders such as affected communities, civil society, non-government organizations, private sector and other interested parties; b. Include the selected priority road sections in the Annual Work Program (AWP); Link the AWP to the approved budget for road rehabilitation and maintenance ensuring that the priority road projects are funded; c. Conduct the road condition survey on the priority road sections. This step includes conifrming the Road Right of Way (RROW) and identifying any outstanding RROW issues that need to be resolved before road rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance activities can be initiated; d. Based on the results of the Road Condition Survey, prepare the indicative Program of Works (POW) for the priority road rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance projects selected for the year; e. Thereafter, prepare the Road Design plan, Speciifcations, cost estimates and the Bill of Quantities (BOQ). The road design may be prepared by design consultants commissioned speciifcally for the task or by the PEO if there is suiffcient capability and capacity available to undertake the task;
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