Annex 2C: ROCOND 392 3.3.2. Material Quality Assessed over total length of segment DEFINITION If an unsealed road has been surfaced with in imported gravel then this gravel quality is rated along with any sub-grade that has been exposed, in the case of an earth road the material is rated. METHOD To determine the material quality closer inspection (exit vehicle) at regular representative intervals (500m) is necessary. description The condition score is the number against the condition which best describes the predominant condition of material quality existing over the total segment length. If there are isolated areas that vary from the rest of the segment then these can be noted under “Raters Comments”. CONDITION SCORE 1 Good Material Quality – even size distribution with suiffcient plasticity to bind the material – no signiifcant oversize material 2 Fair Material Quality – loose material or stones clearly visible 3 Poor Material Quality – Poor particle size distribution with excessive oversize material - Plasticity high enough to cause slipperiness or low enough to cause excessive loose material resulting in loss of traction 4 Bad Material Quality – Poorly distributed range of particle sizes – Zero or excessive plasticity – safety hazard – Excessive oversize Note: Appropriate Condition Score The chosen condition rating should relfect the predominant condition over the total segment length. 3.3.3. Crown Shape Assessed over total length of segment DEFINITION Crown shape is determined to be the height of the center of the
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