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113 Local Road Management Manual  Note: Regardless of road condition, damages to road sections are repaired after a disaster or accident Emergency  Scope of Work: Maintenance o Clearing of debris o Repairing washout/subsidence o Traiffc accident removal o Repair damaged gravel pavement and o Repair or replace damaged drainage  Note: Regardless of road condition, existing geometric conditions are not adequate for current and projected traiffc volume but retaining the existing pavement type Road  Scope of Work: Improvement o Road extension o Road widening Geometric design improvement New, major, raising or expanding earthworks Major slope protection Widening or improvement of existing local bridge  Note: Regardless of road condition, existing asphalt pavement is not adequate to support current and projected traiffc volume  Scope of Work: Replacement of asphalt pavement into Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) or Asphalt Concrete Road Pavement(ACP) Upgrading Work items in road improvement: Road extension Road widening Geometric design improvement New, major, raising or expanding earthworks Major slope protection Widening or improvement of existing local bridges New Road  Scope of Work: Construction Construction of new asphalt pavement road including all road sections and elements  AADT is less than 400 vehicles per day

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 113 LRM Manual CMGP Page 112 Page 114