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Annex 2: LRNDP Outline 276 SECTION TITLE DESCRIPTION A concise discussion of the key features of 1 Executive summary the plan Brielfy explains the plan context in terms of 2 Introduction a six-year planning period, coverage and process Takes off from the local development plans of the LGU (e.g. PDPFP for provinces, CLUP and CDP for cities and municipali- 3 Local Development ties), explaining the development frame- Framework work of the LGU in terms of vision, mission, goals, objectives and preferred alternative spatial development scenario Discusses in detail the baseline condition and development scenarios of the local road sector, speciifcally existing and pro- 4 Local Road Sector jected supply and demand characteristics Situation Analysis of the local road network in accordance with existing local planning guidelines and supported by analytical tables and maps Based on analytical tools such as trend and alternative scenario analyses as well as qualitative stakeholder inputs from the situ- Local Road Develop-ation analysis above, this section identiifes 5 ment the speciifc supply and demand gaps as Issues well as institutional and ifnancing challeng- es affecting the local road sector; present- ed in the context of the spatial development thrusts of the LGU

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 276 LRM Manual CMGP Page 275 Page 277