Local Road Management Manual 373 SEVERITY The severity of distress is: Slight ‘S’ = 20 - <75 mm average width of fretting Moderate ‘M’ = 75 - 200 mm average width of fretting Large ‘L’ = > 200 mm average width of fretting The severity is the predominant severity. EXTENT The extent of the distress is calculated by the Data Entry Spreadsheet (DESS). Notes: Representative Single Lane 50m Gauging Length There are three rigid pavement items to be assessed within the 50m gauging length. Joint Sealant, Faulting and Spalling are rated over ten joints starting at the beginning of the 50 meter gauging length and proceeding until ten joints or cracks are assessed. Localized Surface Defects shall be assessed over the entire segment. All rigid pavement items apart from Local Surface Defects must be rated on foot for detailed inspection. Conditions cannot be adequately assessed from a vehicle. Rigid Pavements Overlaid with Asphalt Concrete In many situations rigid pavements (i.e. concrete pavements) are covered (surfaced) with asphalt concrete (asphalt). Where this has occurred, the pavement should be rated according to the predominant surfacing type (e.g. if the surface area of asphalt is greater than the concrete surface area, then the segment should be rated as a Flexible Pavement).

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 373 LRM Manual CMGP Page 372 Page 374