Chapter 4: Local Road Surface Treatment Options 128 Roadside object markers Slope lfattening Rounded ditches Steep side slopes, road- Obstacle removal side obstacles Breakaway safety hardware Guardrail or crash cushions Approach guardrail Pavement edge lines Warning signs and/or object markers Warning signs Limited sight distance at Obstacle removal hill crest Shoulder widening Driveway relocation Warning signs Shoulder widening Improved super elevation Sharp horizontal curve Slope lfattening Pavement anti-skid treatment Obstacle removal Guardrail or crush cushions Upgrade intersection traiffc control Locations with crash Warning signs history Street Lighting Pavement anti-skid treatment Speed controls Sight distance The LGUs and their local engineering oiffces may conduct a road safety audit (RSA) of local roads. RSA is deifned as a process of examining, assessing and reporting on the traiffc accident potential and safety performance of a future road project; a traiffc management scheme; or an existing road. LGUs may refer to the Road Safety Audit Manual issued by DPWH or the Road Safety Audit Training Manual issued by the National Center for Transportation Studies of the University of the Philippines (UP-NCTS). LGUs can conduct an RSA at any of the six stages of a road project:
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