Chapter 4: Local Road Surface Treatment Options 104 roads provide more primary function to the network and some local roads serve secondary roles. Cities and municipalities should refer to their Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), whereas provinces should refer to their Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) in conifguring their local road network; b. Local Road Condition Inventory. The previous step deifnes the local road network in terms of which local roads are primary (or critical) and which are secondary (noncritical), the physical conditions of these local roads should be thoroughly inventoried. The detailed condition describes the local road if it is in functioning as intended, if it needs to be rehabilitated or improved ifrst, or if it is already in maintainable condition. The system of local road condition inventory has been discussed in the previous chapter. But in general, local roads in good to fair condition are in maintainable condition. Adequate maintenance works should be planned and implemented to these local roads to prevent rapid deterioration. Meanwhile, local roads classiifed as in poor to bad condition should be rehabilitated ifrst into a maintainable condition. Local roads in poor to bad condition that have been given maintenance works will certainly lead to rapid deterioration as the level of work items may not be suiffcient enough to make the subject road in good to fair condition. The local road condition inventory also includes the determination of the level of traiffc volume on a given local road. Obviously, if the capacity of the local road is not suiffcient to handle the present and future traiffc volume, then investments have to be implemented unto the subject road either by improving the geometric conditions of the road or by upgrading the pavement of the road to accommodate the expected traiffc volume. Local road inventories should also include the identiifcation of road right-of-way issues including the appropriate measures to resolve these issues; c. Prioritization of Local Road Investments. Local ifscal resources are always limited. By this nature, LGUs ultimately have to decide what investments to prioritize for a given local road, and looking at the network as a whole, what local roads to prioritize. There are various ways of prioritizing local road investments. However, it should be objective and rational as

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