Table of Contents 12 CHAPTER 4: LOCAL ROADS SURFACE TREATMENT OPTIONS Local Road Management Process. . . . . 101 Surface Treatment Options for Local Roads. . . . 108 Recommended Pavement Options for Local Roads. . . 120 Suggested Reference Standards for Local Roads. . . 121 Local Road Safety, , , , , , . 125 Standard Technical Speciifcations for Local Road Projects, . 129 CHAPTER 5: LOCAL ROAD QUANTITY CALCULATION AND COST ESTIMATION Quantity Calculation and Cost Estimation Process. . . 131 Project Development Cost as a Percentage of Construction Cost. . . . . . . 132 Quantity Calculation. . . . . . . 134 Cost Estimation. . . . . . . 136 CHAPTER 6: LOCAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Project Cycle for Local Road Construction. . . . 148 Construction Supervision. . . . . . 151 Contract Management. . . . . . . 177 Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC). . . 187 Construction Safety and Health (CSH). . . . . 192 Constructors Performance Evaluation System (CPES). . . 196 CHAPTER 7: LOCAL ROAD MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Road Maintenance. . . . . . . 201 Asset Management. . . . . . . 201 Types of Maintenance Activities. . . . . . 203 Common Road Distress. . . . . . 206 Elements of a Maintenance Project. . . . . 207 Suggested Minimum Frequency of Maintenance Activities for Local Gravel Roads. . . . . 207 Cost Estimates for Local Road Maintenance. . . . 213 Maintenance of Sealed Pavement (Paved Local Roads). . . 215
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