Annex 2C: ROCOND 364 3.1.4. Surface Failures (Flexible Pavement) Assessed over total area of segment The affected area of cracking at a location is deifned to be rectangular in shape and dependent upon the extremities of the cracking. The affected area for single longitudinal cracking is calculated as the product of the length and a width of 0.5 m. If branching or meandering of the crack affects a more extensive width, then the affected width is used in the calculation. Similarly, the width of the area affected by transverse cracks is taken as 0.5 m unless more extensive. These calculations are done within the Data Entry Spreadsheet (DESS). The sketch illustrates this concept. DEFINITION Cracking is the indicator of surface failure in lfexible pavements. (Localized cracking around potholes should be assessed under “Potholes (Flexible Pavement)” in section 3.1.2.) Note: This pavement rating item includes all forms of cracking in lfexible pavements. Identiifcation of cracking requires careful examination of the pavement whilst on foot. It cannot be adequately recognized from a moving or stationary vehicle. ransverse Cracking Crocodile, Longitudinal, and T
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