Annex 2C: ROCOND 390 SEVERITY The severity of distress is: Minor ‘M’ = Surface still relatively smooth with only some loss of ifne aggregate Severe ‘S’ = Surface rough or pitted with both ifne and coarse aggregate lost The severity is the predominant severity. 3.3. UNSEALED ROADS Gravel Thickness 37 (Assessed over total area of segment) Gravel Quality 38 (Assessed over total area of segment) Crown Shape 39 (Assessed over total area of segment) Roadside Drainage 40 (Assessed over total area of segment) UNSEALED ROADS Rating of unsealed roads is to be assessed in conjunction with an experienced maintenance supervisor familiar with the particular road’s history of performance and deterioration characteristics. Unsealed roads are to be rated under four separate condition items. The items are Gravel Thickness, Gravel Quality, Crown Shape and Drainage from Road. Both Gravel roads and Earth roads are considered Unsealed Roads. Earth roads are formed only and have no imported material. Gravel roads are both formed and surfaced with an imported material and are rated on both formation and pavement condition items. • Gravel thickness in the wheel path is taken at regular sample representative locations at points approximately

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